Best of Breed Progress 2025
Best of Breed Score 1 point for each Exhibit of Breed. To qualify
for Best of Breed, the Exhibit must have accumulated nine (9) or more
points at FCCQ Inc. shows in the year.
PLEASE NOTE: If an exhibitor notices any discrepancy between the
points listed and those awarded to their exhibit, please email the
so the count can be investigated and altered if required.
Below are the exhibits that have qualified as at the January 2025 show
Birman | Brincat Taka Harna | L Debrincat | Needs 2 Shows | 12 | | Nicsha Indira | M Mahoney | | 6 | Exotic Shorthair | Twomor Picadilly Lily | D & T Morrison | | 6 | | Glevum Ashford | J Comrie | | 3 | Maine Coon | Ladeda Mootilda | Maine Coon | Needs 2 Shows | 16 | | Neonmoon Marshall | Maine Coon | | 8 | Ragdoll | Royalt Winter Lil Angel | S Searle | Needs 2 Shows | 17 | | Tipasheena He Stole My Heart | J, R & R Clarke | Needs 2 Shows | 17 | | Tipasheena Ophelia | J, R & R Clarke | Needs 2 Shows | 17 | Siberian | Miakoschka Kazzimir | M Mahoney | Needs 2 Shows | 12 | | Miakoschka Ko Ko Blue | N Quinn | | 6 | Abyssinian | Akila Dark Sun | G & M Clignett | | 4 | | Abysrok Jinx Monsoon | C Mangin | | 4 | | Osiris (V) Dejavu | M & S Shawn | | 4 | American Shorthair | Proud2B Amazing Ozzie | | | | Bengal | Tigerpaws Zeus | J Aspromourgos | | 8 | | Tigerpaws Zorba | J Aspromourgos | | 4 | British Shorthair | Belantine Paddington Bear | T Bill | Needs 2 Shows | 12 | | Carinya Im Lord Remi | T & C Merritt | Needs 2 Shows | 24 | Burmese | Belshogar Lord Of The Dance | M Thistlewaite | | 3 | | Belshogar Argyle Diamond | M Thistlewaite | | 6 | Burmilla | Miamber King Of Thieves | C Dyett | | 3 | Cornish Rex | Awayfarr One & Only | H Farraway | Needs 2 Shows |
9 | Devon Rex | Manis Chantilly Lace | S Henriksen & R McGregor | | 3 | Mandalay | Bahati I Kissed A Girl | C Dyett | | 3 | Oriental SH | Jesseniah Zabiinah | L McInnes | | 3 | Russian | Azureblue Ariana | J Gowen | | 5 | | Babushkablue Mr Paris | A Welsh | | 5 | | Twili Clair De Lune | J Probst | | 5 | Scottish Fold | Birchfield Sapphine | J Gablonski | | 3 | Selkirk Rex | Kiewa Star Gazer | L Schultz | | 3 | Siamese | Jesseniah Zariah | M Brown | | 8 | | Jesseniah Oscarh Valorentti | M Brown | | 4 | Sphynx | Born Bold Walentyna | J Cockerton | | 6 | | Im Billie Bad S | A Kathage | | 3 | Tonkinese | Aztec Star Gazer | S Wise | | 6 | | Aztec Lady Little Miss Penelope | S Wise | | 3 | Toyger | Bellanova Tiggearah | C Pryke | | 4 | | Bellanova Rahna | C Pryke | | 2 |